Type: Process
Status: final
Version: 2007-09-04
Gist: to provide verification for a feature of a product, a plan of actions concerning the development of a product, or concerning the development of real options.
Note: you can apply this process on various levels of problems and or solutions.
Note: This process optimizes the success in the success equation
stakeholder differentiating: a function or property of the product (or an action of a plan) adds to the overall capability to satisfy the main stakeholders
Note: This means you have to have some notion who the product's main stakeholders are. The stakeholders will accept the product more if the product helps them reaching their goals.
Note: YOU could be the main stakeholder. Then differentiating means options for a wealth of future situations.
mission critical: a function or property of a product (or an action of a plan) is mission critical if the stakeholders will reach one or more of their goals only if the product has it (or the plan caters for it)
Note: This means you have to have some notion of the stakeholder's goals. The stakeholders will accept the product more if the product helps them reaching their goals.
Note: careful, you might presume that some way is the only way.
S1: produce a 2-dimensional space using the above dimensions (mission critical/not mission critical, stakeholder differentiating/ not stakeholder differentiating). This gives you 4 quadrants.
S2: for each feature or sub-feature of the planned product (or action of your plan, or possible step towards your personal goal), ask and answer the following questions: "is it stakeholder differentiating? y/n" and "is it mission critical= y/n".
S3: place it in the quadrants of the space you created in Step 1. You may express more continuous answers than y/n along the axises of your space.
S4: The verfification rules for the four quadrants are:
stakeholder differentiating AND mission critical:
invest and excel. you should do lots of things. put your main effort here. provide the most inner quality.
Note: this is the place where the rewarding things to do yourself are. It is nice to harvest the options you
stakeholder differentiating AND NOT mission critical:
"good enough" will do. use Pareto. do cheap and easy things.
Note: Will you have the option anyway, whether you do a lot now or not?
NOT stakeholder differentiating AND mission critical:
find a quality partner. use your partner's services. don't do it on your own
Note: Do not expect that your partner gives you many options. However, it is nice to share success (with a business partner or some other partner). Be honest and thankful.
NOT stakeholder differentiating AND NOT mission critical:
do nothing about it. don't waste time and or money
Note: You can use the options that lie here anyway.
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